Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Put Down the Potato and Walk Away

I had a lot to do tonight, and I needed to make sure that I made a good, healthy dinner, but I didn't have a lot of time.  So here's what I made:  Lentils and Quinoa (pronounced Keen Wah).

Both of these I consider super-food.  Full of protein and fiber in addition to all the other nutrients packed into such little morsels of savory goodness.  Now you may think that these are a little strange for a meat and potato culture, but let me encourage you to put that potato down and step away.

I made a discovery, yup, a good old fashioned scientific revelation.  We can eat a meal and not have a potato involved... I know... spooky.  But it's true.  You CAN eat a sandwich without potato chips.  You CAN eat a burger and NOT have fries.  And you CAN have meat withOUT potatoes.  What's neat about it is that it just might save you time, money, and your waist line.

Because, really, all a potato is... is starch.  A big old ball of starch -- yes, there might be some fiber in the skin, but most people ditch the skin, and even if they don't, the starch-to-skin ratio is out of balance.  So, let me offer you some simple sides to change things up.

1.)  Lentils- 1:2 part ratio liquid to dry bean -- season with salt, pepper, garlic and whatever else tastes good to you (make it with chicken broth for added flavor and nutrients)
2.)  Quinoa- 1:2 part ratio liquid to grain -- Season with salt, pepper, garlic and... wait, am I just cutting and pasting? (make it with broth for... well... see above)
3.)  Mashed Cauliflower -- What?!  Yes, cut it up, boil it up and mash and season it the way you would a potato
4.)  Mashed turnip -- OK, now you're sending me on a snipe hunt!  No, really- peal and cube the turnip, boil, mash and season the way you would potatoes
5.)  Sweet potatoes -- pretty much anything you can do with a potato, you can do with a sweet potato and there are tons of nutrients and vitamins
6.)  Brown rice -- takes about an hour to cook
7.)  Beans (black or red) -- put about a cup of dry beans in a pan, boil water in a kettle, then dump the water on the beans. Immediately bring to boil for about 5 minutes, then simmer until done -- go crazy with the seasonings

So, yes, it is possible to live without potatoes... and live healthier.  I'm not saying ditch the potato forever, just make it an every-so-often food, not an every day food.

Tonight's dinner:
Lentils and quinoa with a side of snow peas
The lentils and quinoa were prepared in chicken broth and seasoned with salt, pepper, chili powder, turmeric, cayenne pepper, minced garlic, and cumin... after plating the savory deliciousness, I threw in a tablespoon of chia seed per plate... remind me to talk about ch-ch-ch-chia another time.

Don't forget the Lenten 40 day challenge starting on February 22.

God bless your health!

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