Thursday, January 12, 2012


I started a tempo run today with the goal of hitting every mile at 8m 30s.  My first mile was slightly slower than my goal, so I picked up the pace.  My second mile was a little fast, so I tried to adapt.  Mile 3 and 4 were pretty close to perfect, so we'll call them on-target, but the 5th mile was a disaster.  I checked my split approaching the 4.5 mile mark and noticed that I was running 20 seconds too slow, which was my worst split so far, so I did the one thing you're not supposed to do while running a tempo run and sprinted to the half mile mark...

Then I stopped and reevaluated my decision- a tempo run is designed to teach me how to maintain a certain pace over a long distance.  What I should have done to accomplish this goal was to just reset the watch and adjust my tempo at the next mile.  So I stopped and walked a little.  I decided to run the next mile easy, then restart my efforts for the next 3 miles... guess what?... it worked.

So what?  You made a mistake, an oopsie, a what was I thinking?  Sometimes that happens -- and when it does -- it's time to stop, reevaluate what your goals are and why you're doing all this to begin with.

So, let's ask...

Why are you doing all this?  Why lose weight... eat healthy... work out?  What is your motivation?

Have you ever been in a situation where a plethora of tasty options sit before you- you take a reasonable amount to snack on, then a friend goads you on to take more... maybe even snarks about the healthy you?  Sometimes that person keeps pushing, waiting for you to cave -- like that guy in college who always wanted you to drink more... MORE!

What is their motivation, I wonder?  Maybe your healthy, responsible decisions make them feel uncomfortable...  maybe it scares them.  Dude, you used to be cool...  I think it has something to do with their own insecurity -- perhaps your healthy decisions  are coming from a place of peace, determination, contentment -- something you have found that perhaps they have not yet.

When you embark on a healthier lifestyle, the pitfalls are all around you... the further you go, the smaller those pitfalls seem.  I think it is always a good idea to re-examine your motivation behind this healthier you.

Examining that internal, driving force will help you with self discipline when Dude is egging you on.

Ultimately, it's not about losing 5... 10...50...100 pounds.  It's not about running a distance at a faster time than you ever have.  It's not about looking sexier in your jeans...  because once the weight is gone, the race is over, and you got the people you wanted looking at your tushie, you will find the feelings hollow.

Recognizing your own, real, deep motivation behind this healthier you will fill in that hollow feeling after you've reached your goals.

So, really think... pray... then, fill in the blank.

I want to be a healthy, active person because_____________________________________...

Me?  (1) I want to honor God with my body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. "; (2) I want to be an active and healthy husband and father; (3) I was embarrassed by the old me (that's hard to admit, but true); (4) I like the way it feels; (5) If anything were to happen to me (medically), I want to know that so far as it depended on me, I did everything right.

What's your motivation?

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