Sunday, March 25, 2012

Runner's Non-Running Workout

Tonight's workout includes a 12 pound exercise ball- mine is sturdy, but you can buy them squishy. For this workout, I recommend you choose a weighted ball at a weight that you can easily throw into the air, they come in many different weights, usually starting at 4 pounds, then going up to 12.  I asked if there were heavier balls, but they guy at the store said you can usually order them, but they're rare to find.  If you can't get a weighted ball, use a basketball until you can get one.

An optional part of the workout, is a pull-up bar- preferably one that can be put up in across a door-frame then quickly removed.  I use a Total Gym, which allows some other workouts, but this is not required as I will be describing moves that you can, but do not have to use the bar to perform.

A good purchase is also a wobble board of some sort- these are the round wooden boards with a rounded ball underneath- it helps develop core balance and mobility exercises.

When you buy all this equipment, people will think you are running a physical therapy office.  Whatever equipment you don't have, just skip the workout.  You can piece together your "physical therapy" office over time... because I've got a lot more suggestions :-)

I developed this routine for myself using many different sources.  It's a great workout for your whole body- specifically your core.  The idea is to move from one set to another without much rest in between.  When you start, make your goal at least 8 reps, but work your way up to 20 reps.  When you can comfortable go through the routine to 20 reps for a few weeks, then start something else.  This one works for me for a while, then I take a break and do something else.

Start by doing a series of dynamic stretches and warming up all your muscles and your heart for 5-10 minutes

  1. Pull Ups- the only way to develop pull-up muscles is to try to do pull ups... when I started, I couldn't even do one, but over a long time, I got better- the idea here is to start by trying a pull up, whether you are successful or not.
  2. Push Ups- traditional
  3. Dips- heals of hands behind your back, legs stretched out in front of you- lift your body up and down using only your arms
  4. Inverted Push Ups- hands on the floor, feet are elevated on a chair
  5. Off Balance Push Ups with Exercise Ball- place ball under one hand, other hand on the floor, do a push up, then while still holding your body up switch the ball between the two hands, repeat.
  6. Floor Toss- Lying on your back on the floor, toss the ball for one set (8-20 reps) with both hands- then toss from one hand to the other for another set
  7. Standing Tosses (above shoulders)- Stand with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent- toss ball into the air with both hands for one set- then toss from one hand to the other for another set (make sure your whole body is involved in the motion)
  8. Standing Tosses (at chest)- repeat the previous exercise, but the ball starts and ends at chest level
  9. Standing Tosses (below waist)- legs apart and in squat position, ball between the legs- toss ball using both hands (I've tried passing it back and forth, but it messes with my wrists too much, so I don't recommend the one-handed tosses)
  10. Side Tosses- Stand with legs apart, ball with both hands at left knee.  The idea is that you will be swinging the ball from below your waist to the opposite side of your body above the shoulder.  Your knees will naturally bend and flex.  Repeat on the other side.
  11. Burpees with Ball- toss ball in air, catch it, place on the floor, both hands on the ball squat down, kick legs behind you, jump back to squat, stand and repeat toss and whole sequence.
  12. Dead Lifts- stand holding ball with both hands in front of you hanging naturally.  Move one leg behind you while bending at the hips to bring ball to the floor, then back up to standing position- repeat on both sides
  13. One Legged Squats- kick one leg out in front of you while squatting on the other leg.  Repeat on both legs 
  14. Weighted Lunges- hold ball with both hands.  Simultaneously lung forward on one leg while raising the ball above your head.  Repeat on both legs
  15. Walking Lunges- hold the ball and take giant lunging steps, walking around the room- same number of reps on both legs, so count 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 for each leg stepping
  16. Wall Sit- without a chair, back is flat against the wall, legs are at a 90 degree angle.  Hold the position for a least 1 minute- use a watch or clock... no cheating!
  17. One Legged Calf Raises- hold the ball in both hands- lift one leg up and do calf raises on the other.  Repeat on other side
  18. Squat Jumps- jump up and down from a squatted position for as long as you can stand it- try to go a minute of consistent bouncing or 100 reps
  19. Leg Lifts- lie on the ground, lift legs six inches off the ground- slightly lift them up, down, scissors open, back to start
  20. V-Sit- lie on ground, arms above your head, legs straight out- sit up in a V position, then back down
  21. Runner Sit- on floor-legs 6 inches off the ground- right arm up at the same time bring left leg in; left arm up/right leg in (lifting your head and torso slightly with each motion)
  22. Bicycles- on floor- arms behind head, legs in sitting position above- right leg out at the same time right elbow touches left knee- repeat back and forth
  23. Hip Lifts- on floor, legs straight above you- lift from the hips
  24. Weighted "Get Ups"- hold ball with both hands, legs straight on the floor- sit up with ball straight over head, left leg in- back down, repeat for both sides
  25. Weighted Side Twists- from seated position on the floor, lean back until you feel resistance in the abs- with ball in both hands twist side to side
  26. Weighted Crunches- from same seated position toss ball and catch, allow your body to crunch in motion with the ball
  27. Jump "Rope"- jump up and down for 2-5 minutes
  28. Jumping Jacks- do jumping jacks for 2-5 minutes
  29. Skipping- skip around the house for 2-5 minutes
  30. Side Jumps- from squatted position jump sideways, switching from side to side around the house for 2-5 minutes.

If that doesn't do it for you, then I don't know what will!

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